Sabre Cook preparing for a race

Sabre Cook

We Were Meant To Be Challenged

Sabre Cook putting on her helmet before a race

Sabre's Secret to Success

Sabre Cook is not only a talented racecar driver, but she is also an advocate for injury prevention in motorsports. Throughout her career, Sabre has seen the toll that driving at high speeds can take on the neck and upper body, and she knows first-hand the importance of proper conditioning to minimize pain and injury. That's why Sabre is a firm believer in the benefits of the Iron Neck for drivers and athletes alike.

The Iron Neck is a strength and conditioning device that helps to build stability and strength in the neck and upper body. Sabre has seen the positive impact that the Iron Neck has had on her own performance and endurance, and she is convinced that it can help anyone mitigate pain and injury in their neck and upper body. Sabre's experience as a professional racecar driver gives her a unique perspective on the demands placed on the neck and upper body in high-impact sports, and she is passionate about spreading the word about the benefits of the Iron Neck for anyone looking to improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Sabre's Secret to Success

Sabre Cook is not only a talented racecar driver, but she is also an advocate for injury prevention in motorsports. Throughout her career, Sabre has seen the toll that driving at high speeds can take on the neck and upper body, and she knows first-hand the importance of proper conditioning to minimize pain and injury. That's why Sabre is a firm believer in the benefits of the Iron Neck for drivers and athletes alike.

The Iron Neck is a strength and conditioning device that helps to build stability and strength in the neck and upper body. Sabre has seen the positive impact that the Iron Neck has had on her own performance and endurance, and she is convinced that it can help anyone mitigate pain and injury in their neck and upper body. Sabre's experience as a professional racecar driver gives her a unique perspective on the demands placed on the neck and upper body in high-impact sports, and she is passionate about spreading the word about the benefits of the Iron Neck for anyone looking to improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury.

It may not be pretty but it makes us strong and resistant to injury. I’ll take that any day!

- Sabre Cook


Pioneers of Wellness & Recovery

Our brand partners are leading the charge in disrupting the status quo when it comes to performance, recovery, and wellness. With the use of Iron Neck products, they are forging a new path, one that prioritizes the integration of cutting-edge technology and science-backed practices.